Welcome to New Jersey's Premier Firearms Instructional School. Located in Secaucus, NJ, inside Hudson County's only indoor gun range. Long Shot features 20 shooting lanes, 4 teaching class rooms and 12 NRA instructors, to serve the Northern NJ and NYC metro area. Just 3 miles from the Lincoln Tunnel. Don't be fooled. No one is better, bigger or closer.
CCW Training - Carrying your pistol in public
In Secaucus, our training philosophy is to develop your skill set and mind set so you can holster a gun and walk in our public streets with confidence and competence.
Our Long Shot CCW Students follow a structured training path, learning fundamental principles first and then building upon them. Our graduating students will study NJ Firearms Laws, learn safe gun handling and train to shoot while drawing from a holster.
We are so confident in our methods, that we offer a Long Shot CCW Student GUARANTEE that they are getting the right training for their CCW application. The only one in the industry. Read more information below.
So, if this sounds right for you, take the first step to becoming a Long Shot CCW Student and sign up for your evaluation today!
Experienced Shooters
If you simply need to book your Shooting Qualification, we can help as well, offering them 7 days a week, by appointment.
Once you submit your application, we invite you back to join the community of defensive pistol shooters at Long Shot. Sharpen your situational awareness training and build your tactical response skillset. Use cover and concealment to your advantage. For members of the range and
If you bought a gun for self defense, you must train to move and shoot your gun from a holster, for real-life preparedness. Shooting is a perishable skill.
Keep training with your holster and pistol to have a keen idea of which shots you can take and make.
CCW Application Services
If you are a Long Shot CCW student, Long Shot will review your application for completeness, before you submit your application.
We can also help you with passport photos and notarization of your application.
If you are also a Member of the Range, we will write you a unique, personal letter of recommendation for you to submit to your Chief of Police with your application. It will detail the content of your structured training path and summarize your live fire training during your entire range membership.
This one page summary will distinguish your application for its thoroughness, providing them with the chance to understand the level of your commitment, and how you have demonstrated "thorough familiarity with safe gun handling and operation," as required by legal statute.
WE GUARANTEE we won't stop supporting your CCW application. At Long Shot, we are committed to helping our students achieve their conceal carry goal.
CCW Students begin with an evaluation and follow a training path to success. If any of our graduating CCW Student's application is denied due to a specific deficiency of one of our classes' curriculum in meeting the instructional standard for which it was included in a CCW Student's training path, Long Shot will take action, as follows:
1. We will immediately attempt to contact the competent authority to determine the nature of the deficiency, via phone call, email and USPS mail.
2. Once informed of the specifics of how any class was deficient in achieving the training standard, Long Shot will immediately effect the necessary curriculum modifications, ensuring that spread the lessons learned to others in our community. We will continue to elevate the training for all Long Shot CCW Students.
3. The affected CCW Student will then be offered the opportunity to attend the new, modified training free of charge. The only condition is that the deficiency cited by the Police Department or Judge must apply to the requirements at the time the class was given and, in Long Shot's opinion, not due to a revised interpretation of an existing requirement, or a newly added requirement.
* Note: If the respective Chief of Police or County Judge is not responsive to Long Shot's request for information via phone call, email and USPS Mail, Long Shot may not be able to "cure" the deficiency. In that case, Long Shot will not be responsible to take any further action on behalf of the applicant, to cure any specific deficiency in the curriculum of one of our classes or in his application.
Long Shot Academy Classes for CCW Training
The classes and qualifications below are among the classes which our CCW Students may use to demonstrate the "thorough familiarity in the safe handling and use of a handgun" required by NJ Statute 13:54-2.4 sections (b1) - (b4).
Personal Evaluation: 60 in-depth minutes with a Certified Instructor to identify your shooting strengths and weaknesses; after which, the Long Shot CCW Student receives a detailed written evaluation, our student guarantee and his customized training path consisting of courses selected from among those below.
(b1) Firearms training courses substantially equivalent to the firearms training approved by the NJ Police Training Commission
Holster 1 for CCW - A basics of holster training class which teaches all holster draws required in the NJ Police Training Commissions shooting qualifications
Holster 2 - Building on Holster 1 for CCW, this intermediate class teaches how to draw and shoot from additional positions, how to reload magazines, to clear malfunctions and to shoot behind cover and concealment.
Tactical Pistol 1 - This advanced class enables the student to safely move with a loaded gun between different shooting stations. Training in small groups, it teaches you to be safe moving and shooting. It is a pre-requisite to join us on "moving and shooting nights" open to all members without reservations.
(b2) Submission of an applicant's most recent handgun qualification scores utilizing the handgun(s) he or she intends to carry as evidenced by test firings
CCW Positions Class - Students in this class benefit from training under all the same stressors used by the Police Academy when qualifying their police recruits; namely, unholstering from standing and kneeling positions, shooting two handed and 1 handed at different distances, in day light and night light conditions, under shot timer constraints.
Instructors will use the student's own phone to video each shot taken, and provide detailed written notes for improvement. For many students, this is the course that brings all the firearms training together and provides the final path to success.
Shooting qualifications
Shooting Qualification with Holster - The official NJPTC qualification has two parts; on each of which the successful CCW applicant must score an 80% of better. The HQC1 is comprised of 60 rounds of daylight, while the HNTC is 40 rounds of simulated night shooting, but both draw from holster and use different grips and distances.
Modified Qualification without Holster - If you want to get the CCW application in for early approval and then come train with a holster and movement afterward, this is the one for you.
(b3) Completion of a course or test in the safe handling of a handgun administered by a certified firearms instructor
(b4) Passage of a test in this State's laws governing the use of force administered by a certified instructor of a police academy, a certified instructor by the NRA, or any other recognized certified firearms instructor.
Here is what the application process.
the AG guideline
the 13:42-2.4 see (a) (b) and (c)
see Use of Force law self, other and premises and personal property
See PDF of HQC1 and HNTC